Mr.Beast meme explained.

The Mr. Beast meme is a meme that you have most likely seen before. The meme shows what looks to be Mr. Beast raising his hands and saying his name. The meme has become quite popular and I will try to explain why it’s so popular. If you have not seen the video it’s below. meme template.

As you can see it’s quite silly. The original video was posted on Nov 29, 2021 for a music video called “Squid Game vs. MrBeast – Rap Battle! – ft. Cam Steady & Mike Choe” The video remained dormant until it really picked up traction in 2023 where it became a meme sensation.

The Person in the video named Skitzy has become quite popular because of the meme, giving him 169k subscribers on YT. The meme has since slowed down but it’s always interesting to see what comes next in the meme world!

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